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HUD Stats

HUD Stats are number values that automatically appear in the HUD at the top right of the screen and can be controlled via game scripts.

HUD Stats

HUD Stats config

    icon: img/ui/money.webp
    name: Money
    startingValue: 10
    minValue: 0
    icon: img/ui/energy.webp
    name: Energy
    startingValue: 10
    minValue: 0
    maxValue: 10

Stats are defined in the hudStats part of the config.

  • icon: path to an image to use as the icon for the stat
  • name: The name of the stat for display in the HUD
  • startingValue: The default value for the stat on a new save
  • minValue [optional, default 0]: How low this stat can go
  • maxValue [optional]: How high this stat can go
  • decimals [optional, default 2]: Number, how many decimals to keep when rounding the stat value
  • prefix [optional]: A prefix to add before the stat value when displaying it. If there is neither a prefix or a suffix, the name will be shown before the stat value
  • suffix [optional]: A suffix to add after the stat value when displaying it. If there is neither a prefix or a suffix, the name will be shown before the stat value
  • hideName [optional, default false]: If set to true, the curreny name will not be shown, regardless of whether there is a prefix or suffix
  • formatting [optional]: See next section

Advanced formatting

Using styling options of web standard Intl.NumberFormat, stats can automatically be formatted in a few common formats via the formatting option.

If the formatting option is present, it needs to be an object with at least a style value. The following styles are supported: decimal (default), currency, percent, unit.

  • currency: If style is set to currency, then the currency option can be provided in the formatting object to choose a currency. Default is USD.
  • unit: If style is set to unit, then the unit option can be provided in the formatting object to choose a unit. Default is day.
  • percent: There is nothing special to do for this one, but the number should be between 0 and 1.

Examples of advanced formatting

    icon: img/ui/money.webp
    name: Money
    startingValue: 10
    minValue: 0
    maxValue: 99999
    decimals: 2
    hideName: true
      style: currency
      currency: USD
    icon: img/ui/energy.webp
    name: Energy
    startingValue: 10
    minValue: 0
    maxValue: 10
    suffix: ' / 10'
    decimals: 0
    icon: img/ui/energy.webp
    name: percent
    hideName: true
    startingValue: 0.5
    minValue: 0
    maxValue: 1
      style: percent
    icon: img/ui/energy.webp
    name: days
    startingValue: 2
    minValue: 0
    maxValue: 7
    hideName: true
      style: unit
      unit: day



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